

Institute for Financial Markets
2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington DC, 20006-1807
Phone: (202) 223-1528
Fax: (202) 296-3184
E-mail: info@theIFM.org
Website: www.theIFM.org

The Institute for Financial Markets, founded in 1989, is a non-profit educational foundation established by the Board of Directors of the Futures Industry
Association. The Institute assumed and expanded the FIA's long-standing educational and training programs. The Institute's Trustees, drawn from the principal
segments of the futures industry, provide policy guidance and direction to the IFM's Washington, D.C. based staff.
The Institute's mission is to be the primary source of quality information and education for the futures, options and other derivatives industries. All proceeds from IFM
training activities and sales of educational materials, after expenses, are returned to the industry via the development of new materials and programs.
This site provides an overview of the Institute's current offering of educational and reference materials and training programs, including information on product
specifications and prices. Dates, locations and costs are subject to change.