Lifecycle of a Derivative Trade:
Uncovering the Middle- and Back-Office Functions

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Course: Dodd-Frank has made it more important than ever to understand post trade execution functions. IFM's one-day course takes you "behind the scenes" to explore how brokers and investors on the buy-side and sell-side of the industry perform these functions for listed and OTC derivatives, as well as cleared and uncleared swaps. The program explores the functional building blocks of middle- and back-office operations for trade lifecycle activity, the infrastructure that links together these functions, and the points of failure representing operational risk.

After the course you will be able to:
  • Analyze the functional building blocks of the trade for account set-up, client on-boarding, master agreements, confirmation, clearing and settlement, and collateral management
  • Identify the participants and their roles, including the investment managers, end-users, swap dealers, FCM's, interdealer brokers, exchanges and SEF's (Swap Execution Facilities), clearing houses and CCP systems, custodians and prime brokers
  • Explain the links and plumbing that connect industry participants in the trade lifecycle, including standards and protocols and books and records systems
  • Distinguish the role of clearinghouses and CCP systems
  • Analyze the collateral management process in mitigating counterparty credit risk
  • Understand protections in place for customer collateral and assets
  • Be able to explain why novations are done and how they are processed
  • Consider throughout the program, the impact of industry regulatory changes, such as Dodd Frank regulation on derivative trade processing

Class Size: Registration is limited to approximately 15 participants to promote student participation and interaction.

Who Should Attend: Anyone who is interested in learning about the front-to-back functions of the trade lifecycle for listed and OTC derivative trades, from the inception of an order through clearing and settlement. Content is focused on middle- and back-office operations. Attendees include operations, technology, audit, legal and compliance staff, as well as, third-party vendors and regulatory personnel.

Level: Basic/Intermediate. A prior understanding of derivatives is helpful.

Instructor: Charlotte Scott

Cost: New York, Chicago and Washington DC $625 Early-bird ends 4 weeks prior to course date | $695 Standard registration
Complimentary refreshments are provided. Lunch on own.

To Register: Online click here, contact
the Institute at 202.223.1528
or via e-mail at

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