Dodd-Frank Title VII: How Does it Impact Everyone in the Market?
Course Outline

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Module I: Dodd-Frank and Title VII

  • Describe purpose of Title VII
  • Compare and contrast roles of CFTC and SEC in derivatives markets

Module II: Products and Institutions Covered under Title VII

  • Discuss new definition of a swap
  • Identify characteristics of what is now a swap dealer
  • Enumerate products covered by Title VII
  • List different important reporting and compliance requirements

Module III: Swap Execution Facilities

  • Describe mechanics and purpose of a SEF
  • Identify CFTC requirements for SEFs
  • Discuss role of straight-through-processing (STP) and potential challenges
  • Evaluate how use of SEFs can impact buy- and sell-side firms

Module IV: Derivatives Clearing Organizations

  • Describe mechanics and purpose of a DCO
  • Identify CFTC's code for DCOs
  • Debate whether DCOs could be the next Too Big To Fail

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