Trading Strategies & Tactics for Speculators

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Course: This two-day program is designed for market professionals, AP's and traders seeking to augment their tactical toolkit, and to learn how financial institutions/hedge funds structure and evaluate speculative strategies using exchange-traded futures and options. Content focuses on stock index futures, interest rates, and FX markets.

Compelling Topics Include:

  • Discern five(5) different 'fair-value' techniques traders use contingent on their objective: arbitrage; creating synthetic money market instruments; and to add, subtract, or just maintain equity exposure
  • Learn to trade anticipated changes in the government yield curve like a pro
  • Understand how hedge funds trade sovereign yield curves against one another on a currency and duration neutral basis
  • Discover ways to strategically trade one central bank policy against another
  • Quantify your option exposure using delta, gamma, theta, and vega
  • Hone your skills for matching the right option spread strategy with your market view
  • Scrutinize the differential applications for vertical spreads, horizontal spreads, diagonal spreads, weighted spreads, synthetics, synthetic option arbitrage
  • Become a savvy decision-maker on when to use a synthetic option vs. an outright

Class Size: Registration is limited to approximately 15 participants to promote student participation and interaction.

Who Should Attend: Financial professionals, traders and APs who need to build market knowledge for formulating strategies.

Level: Intermediate
This course qualifies for 14 CE (Continuing Education) credits with the CFP® Board Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the marks CFP® and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, which it awards to individuals who successfully complete initial and ongoing certification requirements. For details see

Cost: $750 early-bird ends 4 weeks prior to course date; $850 standard registration.
Complimentary morning and afternoon
refreshment breaks are provided.

To Register: Online click here, contact
the Institute at 202.223.1528
or via e-mail at

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