Operational Risk of OTC Derivatives

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Course: While financial institutions have focused more on credit and liquidity risk since the most recent financial crisis, operational risk remains a poorly misunderstood and neglected risk. This course is for operational risk managers, auditors, compliance officers, and regulators who need to better understand this important risk. The lecture will be supplemented with interactive discussions and case studies of recent examples of operational risk such as Standard and Poor's, JP Morgan, Citibank, and Morgan Stanley.

At the end of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Define operational risk
  • Identify how operational risk materializes in OTC derivatives
  • Evaluate how operational risk can materialize
  • In the front, middle, and back offices of a derivatives group
  • Compare and contrast measurement approaches to operational risk
  • Identify key Basel III components for operational risk measurement
  • Discuss best practices to control and monitor operational risk

Click for course outline

Class Size: Registration is limited to approximately 15 participants to promote student participation and interaction.

Who Should Attend: Operational risk managers, auditors, compliance officers, regulators and those who need to better understand this important risk.

Level: Intermediate/Expert

Credits: GARP - Global Association of Risk Professionals The IFM is recognized by Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) as an Approved Provider of continuing professional education (CPE) credits for FRMs and ERPs. This course is valid for 6.5 credits

Cost: $800 early-bird ends 4 weeks prior to course date; $850 standard registration.
Complimentary morning and afternoon
refreshment breaks are provided. Lunch on own.

To Register: Online click here, contact
the Institute at 202.223.1528
or via e-mail at info@theIFM.org

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