Click on any exam or study material for more information.
Exam Name | Exam Cost | Number of Questions | Material Covered | Time | IFM Study Materials |
Series 3: National Commodity Futures Examination | $125 | 120 True/False and Multiple Choice | Comprehensive futures and options market knowledge and U.S. regulation | 2 hours 30 minutes | Futures and Options; the Guide to U.S. Futures Regulation and Series 3 PassMaster |
Series 30: Branch Office Manager Futures | $80 | 50 True/False and Multiple Choice | Supervisory issues, requirements and procedures. | 1 hour | The IFM does not currently publish study materials for this exam. |
Series 31: Futures Managed Funds Examination | $80 | 45 True/False and Multiple Choice | Overview of markets and regulation - emphasis on managed funds | 1 hour | Study Manual: NFA Series 31 Examination |
Series 32: Limited Futures Examination - Regulation | $80 | 45 True/False and Multiple Choice | U.S. regulation | 45 minutes | Guide to U.S. Futures Regulation |
Series 34: Retail Off-Exchange Forex Examination | $80 | 45 True/False and Multiple Choice | Forex terminology, market practices, calculations and regulation | 1 hour | The IFM does not currently publish study materials for this exam. |